Monday, May 7, 2007

Boy, what a week......

Well, as you can tell from the headline, we're still busy as bees and there's no end in sight. The past week I attended 2 theatre plays at the German Swiss International School - once, to see the german kids story of "Jim Knopf & Lukas der Lokomotivfuehrer, where Lukas and Jim travel to China by train (where else to of course) to free some people living there in captivity under the watch of a cruel dragon. It was performed by the 8-10 year olds and really cute, especially the ones dressed in typical chinese outfits. The other play was performed by the 13-17 year olds who chose the adaptation of "die Drachenburger" where a hero had to rescue the citizens of Drachenburg also from - take a guess - a cruel dragon who regularly demanded the life of of a beautiful young girl which was determined by drawing a lot.
It seemed that the subject of dragon's is a popular one this year ;-) although we are offically in the Year of the Pig.

Then we had Labour Day - in mainland China that means "The Golden Week" (everyone has one week off) which further means that gazillions of Chinese invade Hong Kong either on their own or in guided traveltours to empty the stores while going on a nonstop shopping spree. They like to come to the City because prices for highend luxury goods are cheaper here than in the rest of China due to very low taxes. You should see the crowds queueing in front of Louis Vuitton, Gucci or any other brand name shop for that matter - just everything is totally packed. The worst thing are the congested walkways where about 20 short people run into your belly because they don't pay attention to you being right in front of them or they abruptly stop in front of a GREEN traffic light to enjoy the view while you just have the one and only desire to get to the supermarket, buy some milk and go back into hiding in your appartment. Chinese don't seem to be able to walk straight anywhere, their only way of walking is crisscross like a major invasion of beetles from all sides.

Anyway - since we had the first fabulous sunny day on may first and I still can't limp on hikes, we just hopped on the bus and drove to the beach of Shek O (see pic) which is a small fishing village in the south of the island. That's the only spot renting out beach chairs and it's very nice to swim and watch all kind of people while dozing off under your umbrella. These stressful hours are usually followed by dinner at a Thai/Chinese restaurant around the corner where we will take all of our visitors mandatory. Of course about 500.000 people had the same idea about leaving the City heading this direction but you can't have everything in life and we were not bothered too much.

Our highlight of the week was as I mentioned previously, yesterday's dancing performance of "Burn the Floor" with an international group of highly decorated latin ballroom dancers. The dancing, the outfits and the music were spectacular and even Michael was bouncing up and down in his chair. Especially the women moved like panthers stalking their bag, what a magnificent body language all of the dancers had, very sexy. The only thing we really don't get is why on earth does it seem to be impossible for most Asians to even move their little toe while being entertained by loud music of Tina Turner, Gloria Estefan, pieces of The Carmina Burana, etc. The viewers mostly sit straight in their seats, the applause is soso and I always get the impression that I am causing a scene since I don't manage to not jump up and down while singing along - that's a little nervewracking if you seem to be one in few in a cheerful mood....

Believe it or not, housewive duties are calling now, our next visitor is expected for wednesday and there are still lots of things to be taken care of before. Have a sunny week, see ya..............

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